Get Involved with Us

What is unique about Project YASH is that it is completely managed and coordinated by highly motivated High School volunteers who are touched by the Special Needs kids in their own life and are committed to giving back to the community. Our participants with special needs get an opportunity to form friendships with our outstanding volunteers through various programs.

Join Us


The unique feature of Project YASH is that it is primarily managed by the youth volunteers like you. You will get an opportunity to develop leadership and organizational skills by managing, coordinating and growing various initiatives to build a more inclusive future for the kids on the autism spectrum. You will also learn critical communication skills and learn to work with people from different backgrounds and abilities giving them a foundation for future success.

As a volunteer you will:
  • Hold online book reads sessions. You will set your own mutually convenient time with the participant to read books using Zoom or Google Meet. We try to make the sessions fun, interactive and work towards building social skills and language of our participants. These sessions are usually 30 minutes long.
  • Join our online Arts classes team. Join our creative team to conduct interactive zoom-based art classes for our participants. Usually, a team of 2-3 volunteer will conduct an art class session to build various Art activities – such drawing, origami and coloring. These sessions are usually 30 minutes long.
  • Join our online Dance classes team – If you have special dance talent, please join our dance team to conduct an interactive and fun dance class for our participants. These sessions are usually 30 minutes long.
  • Hold online to Computer Programming classes – Join our technology team to share your knowledge of technology with our participants. Usually, we conduct these sessions during summer and will last for a week.
  • Join various leadership teams to help build and grow Project YASH.
  • Use your creativity to come up with new program offerings that will our special needs participants will enjoy

We seek bright and motivated youth volunteers to make an impact in the community around us. Your volunteer community service hours help us grow and you will learn to build and grow a 501c3 organization. We are also 100% online at this time.

Special Need Participant

For our special needs participants, our High school volunteers offer a true inclusion opportunity with a focus on improving social skills for everyone. Please visit our programs page to review various programs offered by Project YASH.

About Us

Youth Activities for Special Horizons – is a Non-Profit 501c 3 organization that provides a safe online platform for kids on the autism spectrum to interact, learn and make friends with our outstanding youth volunteers.

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Join us now, it's an opportunity like no other